please read it's important

before you follow

i sometimes swear and use all caps. i don't tag them so be warned!i retweet a lot, especially if it's art :Di sometimes need tone indicators and i usually use them, just tell me if i misunderstood something!i get anxious around drama but sometimes am curious so please tag it :]feel free to unfollow and block if i make you uncomfy!

do not interact!

basic dni criteria (homophobic, racist, transphobic, anti-semitic, islamophobic, etc)under 15anti ccs that i like (especially technoblade)attack/anti my subtwtsin nsfwmcyttwt / poppytwtsupport, condone, or actively participate in harassment, sending death threats and doxxingbeing serious or joking about telling people to k1ll themselves or making su1c1d4l jokes

( Made with Carrd )